TrueProp Software LLC of Durham, NH USA is excited to announce the launch of the new Improved Propeller Inspection and Metrology Joint Industry Project (JIP). This novel six-member JIP will address the development of methods and software code for improvements in propeller inspection, geometric modeling, and compliance standards.
A group of six companies – led by TrueProp Software LLC, and including HydroComp, Inc., Linden Propeller, Padgett-Swann Machinery, Wildcat Propellers, and Argonaut Enterprises – kicked off this project on February 23rd, 2018. The propeller specialists at HydroComp will be the lead investigators.
Geometric inspection of a propeller’s blade shape is a critical step in the quality assurance for new propeller manufacture and propeller repair. This JIP aims to resolve a number of identified deficiencies in metrology, compliance criteria, and inspection practices to achieve the following objectives: improved workflow productivity, cost savings, better product outcomes, and connectivity for new and legacy inspection devices. Members will participate in development, application, and testing of new modules in the TruePropTM propeller inspection software.
The story was shared on The Motorship, The Maritime Journal, VPO (Vessel Performance Optimization), and, the May/June issue of International Tug & OSV!
Available for download, here.
Ship Repair & Maintenance magazine published by The Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA), expands on the TrueProp narrative in the 3rd Quarter issue/2018. |